Nano Fiber Feels Forces and Hears Sounds Made by Cells
Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a miniature device that’s sensitive enough to feel the forces generated by swimming bacteria and hear the beating of heart muscle cells.
Beam of ultraviolet light hitting swarm of rhodium nanocubes
Duke University researchers have engineered rhodium nanoparticles (blue) that can harness the energy in ultraviolet light and use it to catalyze the conversion of carbon dioxide to methane, a key building block for many types of fuels.
Credit: Chad Scales
'Neuron-reading' nanowires could accelerate development of drugs to treat neurological diseases
A team led by engineers at the University of California San Diego has developed nanowires that can record the electrical activity of neurons in fine detail.
Creation of ultra-high energy density matter
The energy density contained in the center of a star is higher than we can imagine – many billions of atmospheres, compared with the 1 atmosphere of pressure we live with here on Earth’s surface.