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  • Share the facilities, technical staff, and expertise of Penn State with college and university partners across the nation to bring hands-on, state-of-the art, nanotechnology courses and degree programs to every section of the US

  • Empower students across the US with a broad approach to nanotechnology giving them the basis for a lifetime of adapting and learning
  • Support development of two-year degree programs in micro- and nanotechnology across the country

  • Emphasize hands-on laboratory education and attention to the full range of micro- and nanotechnology applications

  • Offer professional development programs in micro- and nanotechnology for secondary and postsecondary educators

  • Develop and deliver incumbent worker education programs in micro- and nanotechnology for industry

  • Create pathways from secondary schools through associate and baccalaureate degrees and beyond | Footer
Funded, in part, by a grant from the National Science Foundation.
DUE 2000725
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© 2007-2024 Penn State University Center for Nanotechnology Education and Utilization (Sitemap)